Running effective internet marketing web site promotions using conventional online advertising campaigns can be quite costly. Online promotional methods such as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can drive traffic quickly to your web site. But with cost per click rates skyrocketing for many search terms, it can be difficult to break even on the front-end, and even more difficult to make a profit.What if you could create zero cost web site promotions that were perpetually self-sustaining? What if you could combine three proven Internet marketing techniques together to create very effective online promotions at zero cost other than a little of your time?Effectively applying these three internet marketing techniques will ensure that your web site promotions are successful:1. Article Marketing2. Newsletters3. Viral Marketing eBooksWeb Site Promotions Using Article MarketingThe web has a voracious appetite for content. Webmasters need content for their web sites and online newsletters (ezines). To fill this need, thousands of article directories have sprung up. A search in Google for “submit your article” produces over 1.5 million results! Webmasters can generally freely republish these articles as long as they leave the author’s “resource box” intact.Writing and submitting high quality articles to article directories is a highly effective internet marketing technique. By writing articles, you begin to establish yourself as an expert. Include a link to your web site in the resource box and you will drive targeted traffic to your web site. You will also create hundreds of keyword-rich backlinks to your web site. Such backlinks have the additional benefit of improving your ranking in search engine results.Web Site Promotions Using NewslettersSeasoned marketers will always tell you, “the money is in the list.” They mean your mailing list of people who chose to subscribe to your mailing list at your web site.Use an autoresponder service to send prewritten newsletters, or ezines, regularly to your list. This can be a very powerful marketing strategy. Use it to build your reputation as an authority in your field.Web Site Promotions Using Viral Marketing eBooksThe best way to build your list is to offer a free present for subscribing to your newsletter. eBooks and short reports make great presents. Create short reports or ebooks on your topic to give away to new subscribers.Be sure to encourage your subscribers to pass the ebook on to their friends. If you have an affiliate program, encourage them to rebrand the ebooks with their affiliate links.Combining The Three Proven Internet Marketing TechniquesPeople read your articles and visit your website. There they either make a purchase or subscribe to your newsletter for the free gift. The viral ebook begins to circulate around the web as some pass it on. People follow the links in the ebook back to your web site.The beauty of combining these three techniques to create internet marketing web site promotions is that all of them continue to produce traffic and sales long after you set them in motion. Many sites will leave your articles published for as long as their web site exists. Your autoresponder service will continue sending your prewritten newsletters. And the viral ebooks will continue to circulate on the web. Your zero cost internet marketing web site promotions will be perpetually self-sustaining.
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